Dynamic Hardware Install Wizard Constants

Following are the constants that are used when adding custom pages to the hardware install wizard.

MAX_INSTALLWIZARD_DYNAPAGES The maximum number of dynamic hardware installation wizard pages that can be added by a class installer.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_FIRSTPAGE Resource ID for the first page that the install wizard will go to after adding the class installer pages.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_SELECT_PREVPAGE Resource ID for the page that the Select Device page will go back to.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_SELECT_NEXTPAGE Resource ID for the page that the Select Device page will go forward to.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_ANALYZE_PREVPAGE Resource ID for the page that the Analyze page will go back to. This will only be used in the event that there is a problem (e.g. a conflict), and the user selects Back from the analyze page.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_ANALYZE_NEXTPAGE Resource ID for the page that the Analyze page will go to if it continues forward. The wAnalyzeResult in the INSTALLWIZARDDATA struct will contain the analysis results.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_INSTALLDETECTED_PREVPAGE Resource ID for that page that the Install detected devices page will go back to.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_INSTALLDETECTED_NEXTPAGE Resource ID for the page that the Install detected devices page will go forward to.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_INSTALLDETECTED_NODEVS Resource ID for the page that the Install detected devices page will go to in the event that no devices are detected.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_SELECTDEV_PAGE Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's select device page. This ID can be used to go directly to the hardware install wizard's select device page.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_ANALYZEDEV_PAGE Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's device analysis page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's analysis page.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_INSTALLDETECTEDDEVS_PAGE Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's install detected devices page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's install detected devices page.
IDD_DYNAWIZ_SELECTCLASS_PAGE Resource ID of the hardware install wizard's select class page. This ID can be use to go directly to the hardware install wizard's select class page.