Install and Remove Information

When the driver is actually to be installed or removed, NETDI uses this information to tell which sections from the drivers INF files to execute. The install and remove entries can specify a base section that gets executed unconditionally whenever the driver is added or removed. The unconditional entries use the NULL value name. In addition, one can also specify interface-specific install and remove sections so only files or registrations that are a needed for the given upper interface are installed.

When installing, NETDI executes the base (null) section first, and then any interface-specific sections. When removing, NETDI executes interface-specific sections first and executes the base (null) section last.

Driver Sub Key Value Name Value Description
Ndi\Install (null) section name Specifies the section name to execute for installing the driver. If this value exists, it is executed for all interfaces.
Ndi\Install interface name section name Specifies the section name to execute for installing the driver. It is only executed if interface name is among the current upper interfaces for the driver.
Ndi\Remove (null) section name Specifies the section name to execute for removing the driver. If this value exists, it is executed for all interfaces.
Ndi\Remove interface name section name Specifies the section name to execute for installing the driver. It is only executed if interface name is among the current upper interfaces for the driver.