Building an NDI Procedure DLL

To build an installer DLL, write a 16-bit Windows DLL. Include the header file Netdi.h and link to the import library Netdi.lib. Netdi.dll is the class installer for all network devices and exports the NDI interface.

Because Windows 95 Setup runs under Windows 3.1, your installer DLL must be a 16-bit DLL and must be Windows 3.1-compatible. Define WINVER as 0x030a before including Windows.h to ensure Windows 3.1 compatibility. It also recommended that you link your DLL to a Windows 3.1 version of Libw.dll so that you don't accidentally import any other Windows 95 function. Note that all necessary Windows 95 registry and property sheet APIs are exported in Setupx.dll as SUfunctionname for use by setup modules; you must use these rather that the actual Windows 95 functions. Even though your DLL must be 3.1 compatible, it must be marked as a 4.0 DLL by specifying /40 on the RC line.

The installer procedure is registered as described in General Driver Information.


Here is an example custom NDI procedure that shows its own settings dialog box, performs specific bindings checks, and has custom installation work. Note that most messages should get forwarded to the default procedure.

#define WINVER 0x030a    // Must be Win 3.1 compatible
#define STRICT            // Recommended for strict type checking
#include <windows.h>    // Windows
#include <netdi.h>        // Network driver installer

    HNDI        hndi,        // NDI handle
    UINT         uMsg,         // NDI message
    WPARAM     wParam,    // 1st message specific parameter
    LPARAM     lParam        // 2nd message specific parameter
    RETERR        reterr;    // return code

    switch (uMsg)
    case NDI_CREATE:
        // Read in my properties and attach them to this object
        // using NdiSetProperties.
        return MyNdiCreate(hndi);

        // Tell the installer that I have my own property pages to add.
        return TRUE;

        // Add my own property sheet page(s) to the properties dialog.
        // My property page dialog proc gets the properties that
        // I read in during NDI_CREATE using NdiGetProperties and
        // saves them back to my properties structure in memory. I
        // write them out during the NDI_INSTALL message.
        return MyNdiAddPropPages(hndi,(LPNDIADDPROPPAGES)lParam);

    case NDI_QUERY_BIND:
        // Check if this binding is ok and pass to the default handler
        if ((reterr = MyNdiQueryBind(hndi,(HNDI)wParam,lParam)) != OK)
            return reterr;

    case NDI_INSTALL:
        // Write out my properties values and let NDI finish up
        // with the default install.
        if ((reterr = MyNdiInstall(hndi)) != OK)
            return reterr;

    case NDI_DESTROY:
        // Destroy my properties memory
        return MyNdiDestroy(hndi);

    default:    // call the default handler for all other messages

    // Let NDI do default handling...
    return DefNdiProc(hndi, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

Note  The following message must be forwarded to the default handler: NDI_INSTALL, NDI_REMOVE, NDI_QUERY_BIND, and NDI_VALIDATE.