hndiBind = (HNDI)wParam;       // handle of NDI object
wBindType = LOWORD(lParam);    // type of binding

The NDI manager sends NDI_QUERY_BIND to inform the driver installer that an upper or lower binding is about to be added by NdiBind. The NDI_QUERY_BIND is sent before NdiBind returns.

Value of wParam. Identifies the NDI object that is to be unbound from this NDI object.
Value of the low-order word of lParam. Specifies which edge of the NDI that hndiBind is to be added to.
Value Meaning
NDIBIND_UPPER Specifies that the given NDI object should validate that hndiBind can be added to its upper bindings.
NDIBIND_LOWER Specifies that the given NDI object should validate that hndiBind can be added to its lower bindings.

A driver installer that handles this message must also call NdiDefProc to perform standard bindings checking.