The NDI procedure can call the following functions in NETDI.

API Description
NdiGetFirst() Returns a handle to the first NDI object in the system.
NdiGetNext() Returns the next NDI object list after a given NDI object.
NdiFindNdi() Enumerates NDI objects in the system.
NdiIsNdi() Determines whether the given NDI handle is valid.
NdiCallInstaller() Calls the NDI procedure for a given object.
CreateNdiFromDeviceId() Installs the specified device (replaces NdiAddNewDriver())
NdiValidate() Sends the given object an NDI_VALIDATE message.
NdiInstall() Installs the NDI object's driver.
NdiRemove() Removes the NDI object's driver.
NdiProperties() Displays the properties for an NDI object.
NdiBind() Binds two NDI objects.
NdiUnbind() Removes the binding between two NDI objects.
NdiIsBound() Determines if two NDI objects are bound.
NdiGetBinding() Finds an NDI object through the binding of a given NDI object.
NdiGetText() Returns the driver description for an NDI object.
NdiSetText() Sets the driver description for an NDI object.
NdiGetDeviceInfo() Returns a pointer to the DEVICE_INFO structure for the given object.
NdiGetClass() Returns the network class number for an NDI object.
NdiGetProperties() Returns the properties data for a particular NDI object.
NdiSetProperties() Sets the properties data for a particular NDI object.
NdiGetOwnerWindow() Returns the window handle of the owner of the NDI window.
NdiGetDeviceId() Returns the PnP device ID for an NDI object.
NdiCompareInterface() Compares two interface lists.
NdiGetInterface() Returns an interface list for the object.
NdiAddInterface() Adds an interface to the interface list.
NdiRemoveInterface() Removes an interface from the interface list.
NdiRegOpenKey() Equivalent to RegOpenKey().
NdiRegCreateKey() Equivalent to RegCreateKey().
NdiRegCloseKey() Equivalent to RegCloseKey().
NdiRegQueryValue() Equivalent to RegQueryValue().
NdiRegSetValue() Equivalent to RegSetValue().
NdiRegDeleteValue() Equivalent to RegDeleteValue().
NdiSystemChange() Notifies other components that a component has been added or removed from the system.
NdiQueryBind() Queries NETDI to determine if the NDI object can bind to another.
NdiGetFlags() Gets the flags for an NDI object.
NdiNeedReboot() Tells NETDI that the user has made changes that require a reboot.