
RETERR NdiGetBinding(hndi, lphndi, uBindType)
HNDI hndi;           // NDI handle
HNDI FAR* lphndi;    // address of NDI handle
UINT uBindType;      // binding type

The NdiGetBinding function retrieves the handle of an NDI object that has the specified relationship to the given NDI object.

Identifies the NDI object.
Points to an NDI object handle. At entry the handle contains the current binding; at exit it contains the resultant binding.
Specifies the binding relationship.
Value Meaning
NDIBIND_UPPER_FIRST Return the first upper binding.
NDIBIND_UPPER_NEXT Return the next upper binding after *lphndi.
NDIBIND_LOWER_FIRST Return the first lower binding.
NDIBIND_LOWER_NEXT Return the next lower binding after *lphndi.