
WORD DIB_EnumObjExt(LPPDEVICE lpDestDev, WORD wStyle, 
    FARPROC lpCallbackFunc, LPVOID lpClientData, LPPDEVICE lpDisplayDev)

Enumerates the pens and brushes available on the device. The minidriver calls the DIB_EnumObjExt function when GDI calls the minidriver's EnumObjects function. For each object having the given style, DIB_EnumObjExt calls the callback function with the logical information for that object. DIB_EnumObjExt continues to call the callback function until there are no more objects or the callback function returns zero.

Address of a PDEVICE or PBITMAP structure specifying the destination device or bitmap.
One of the following object types.
Value Meaning
1 Pen
2 Brush

DIB_EnumObjExt enumerates all objects of the given type. If there are no objects of the given type, the function must return 1.

Address of the user-supplied callback function.
Address of the user-supplied data.
Address of PDEVICE structure that specifies color data for the display surface.

Before calling the callback function, DIB_EnumObjExt must fill the LPEN or LBRUSH structure with the logical colors and other values that correspond to a given physical pen or brush.

The export ordinal for this function is 402

See Also
