LPPDEVICE lpSrcDev, WORD wSrcX, WORD wSrcY, WORD wXext, WORD wYext,
long Rop3, LPBRUSH lpPBrush, LPDRAWMODE lpDrawMode)
Transfers bits from a rectangle on a source device to a rectangle having the same dimensions on a destination device. The transfer is controlled by a ternary raster operation value that specifies how corresponding bits from the source, destination, and pattern in a brush are combined to form the final bits in the destination.
Value | Meaning |
BLACKNESS (0x00000042) | Set all destination bits to black. |
DSTINVERT (0x00550009) | Copy the inverse of the destination bits: Destination = ~ Destination. |
MERGECOPY (0x00C000CA) | Combine the source and brush bits using the bitwise AND operator: Destination = Source & Pattern. |
MERGEPAINT (0x00BB0226) | Combine the destination and inverse of the source bits using the bitwise OR operator: Destination = (~ Source) | Destination. |
NOTSRCCOPY (0x00330008) | Copy the inverse of the destination bits to the destination rectangle: Destination = ~ Destination. |
NOTSRCERASE (0x001100A6) | Combine the inverse of the source and destination bits using the bitwise AND operator: Destination = (~ Source) & (~ Destination). |
PATCOPY (0x00F00021) | Copy the brush bits to the destination rectangle: Destination = Pattern. |
PATINVERT (0x005A0049) | Combine the pattern and destination bits using the bitwise exclusive OR operator: Destination = Pattern ^ Destination. |
PATPAINT (0x00FB0A09) | Combine the destination, pattern, and the inverse of source bits using the bitwise OR operator: Destination = (~ Source) | Pattern | Destination. |
SRCAND (0x008800C6) | Combine the source and destination bits using the bitwise AND operator: Destination = Source & Destination. |
SRCCOPY (0x00CC0020) | Copy source bits to the destination rectangle: Destination = Source. |
SRCERASE (0x00440328) | Combine the source and inverse of destination bits using the bitwise AND operator: Destination = Source & (~ Destination). |
SRCINVERT (0x00660046) | Combine the source and destination bits using the bitwise exclusive OR operator: Destination = Source ^ Destination. |
SRCPAINT (0x00EE0086) | Combine the source and destination bits using the bitwise OR operator: Destination = Source | Destination. |
WHITENESS (0x00FF0062) | Set all bits to white. |
The export ordinal for this function is 1.