
NewFontSeg  struct
   nfVersion      dw  0
   nfFormat       dw  0
   nfNumGlyphs    dw  0
   nfGlyphOffset  dd  0
   nfAWTable      dd  0
   nfHeight       dw  0
   nfAscent       dw  0
   nfUniqueID     dd  0
NewFontSeg  ends

Contains information about a physical font. This structure replaces the FONTINFO structure.


Font version. For Windows 95, the version number is 0x0400.
Font format flags. Can be one of the following.
NF_BYTE_PACKED (0001h) Indicates that the font header is in the format of either the LARGEROWGLYPH or SMALLROWGLYPH structure and the glyphs are in byte-packed (padded to byte boundaries) row format.
NF_BIT_PACKED (0002h) Indicates that the font header is in the format of either the LARGEBITGLYPH or SMALLBITGLYPH structure and the glyphs are in bit-packed row format.
NF_FROM_BMP (0040h) Indicates that the font is derived from a bitmap font. If this bit is set, the driver can assume the glyphs do not overlap if there is no DX array.
NF_LARGE (0080h) Indicates that the glyph offset table is an array of DWORD offsets and that the glyphs have either LARGEROWGLYPH or LARGEBITGLYPH headers.

Number of glyphs in font.
Offset from the beginning of the font segment to an array of WORDs (DWORDs if NF_LARGE is set) which point to the glyph bitmaps.
Offset from the beginning of the font segment to an array of signed 16-bit values that specify the distance from one glyph's origin to the next.
Height of the font in pixels.
Distance from baseline to the top of the font's opaquing rectangle.
Unique identifier for this physical font. This value can be used by display drivers that perform font caching to keep track of the fonts in its cache.

See Also