diHdrSize dw size DisplayInfo
diInfoFlags dw ?
diDevNodeHandle dd ?
diDriverName db 16 dup(?)
diXRes dw ?
diYRes dw ?
diDPI dw ?
diPlanes db ?
diBpp db ?
diRefreshRateMax dw ?
diRefreshRateMin dw ?
diLowHorz dw ?
diHighHorz dw ?
diLowVert dw ?
diHighVert dw ?
diMonitorDevNodeHandle dd ?
diHorzSyncPolarity db ?
diVertSyncPolarity db ?
Specifies the display information selected by the user. The information in this structure is obtained by calling either the ring 3 function VDD_GET_DISPLAY_CONFIG or the ring 0 function VDD_GetDisplayInfo.
RETURNED_DATA_IS_STALE | Indicates that the data in the DISPLAYINFO structure was read in a previous call to VDD_GET_DISPLAY_CONFIG instead of directly from the Registry. If this flag is set, you may want to call VDD_GET_DISPLAY_CONFIG (or VDD_GetDisplayInfo) again to attempt to obtain data directly from the registry. |
MINIVDD_FAILED_TO_LOAD | Indicates that the mini-VDD did not load, possibly because the mini-VDD did not match the chipset installed in the machine. |
MINIVDD_CHIP_ID_DIDNT_MATCH | Indicates that although the mini-VDD did load successfully, when the ChipID that the mini-VDD calculated was compared against the value saved in the registry, they did not match. For example, suppose the user is using an S3-911 card and then decides to upgrade the display card to an S3-864. Because both cards use S3.VXD, the mini-VDD will load. But because the card model is different, the VDD will return a defect to configuration manager and set this flag. |
REGISTRY_BPP_NOT_VALID | Indicates that the VDD was unable to obtain a bits-per-pixel value from the Registry. |
REGISTRY_RESOLUTION_NOT_VALID | Indicates that the VDD was unable to obtain a resolution value from the Registry. |
REGISTRY_DPI_NOT_VALID | Indicates that the VDD was unable to obtain a DPI value from the Registry. |
MONITOR_DEVNODE_NOT_ACTIVE | Indicates that a call to the function GET_DISPLAY_CONFIG was made before the monitor DevNode handle had been created. This means that the monitor refresh rate information in the DISPLAYINFO structure is invalid. |
MONITOR_INFO_NOT_VALID | Indicates that the values in diRefreshRateMax, diRefreshRateMin, diLowHorz, diHighHorz, diLowVert, diHighVert, diHorzSyncPolarity, and diVertSyncPolarity are not valid. |
MONITOR_INFO_DISABLED_BY_USER | Indicates that either the "RefreshRate=" string in SYSTEM.INI had a negative number in it or that the string in the display software key "RefreshRate =" string was 0 or a negative number. |
REFRESH_RATE_MAX_ONLY | Indicates that there was no data in the Registry for diLowHorz, diHighHorz, diLowVert, diHighVert, diHorzSyncPolarity, or diVertSyncPolarity and that the value returned in diRefreshRateMax is the only refresh rate data available and it was derived either from either the "RefreshRate=" string in SYSTEM.INI or the display software key "RefreshRate =" string in the Registry. |
CARD_VDD_LOADED_OK | Indicates that a card VDD was successfully loaded and initialized. |