The ISDN device's physical line capabilities are enumerated in the ISDNLINECAPS structure.

typedef struct tagISDNLINECAPS {
   DWORD   cbSize;          /* size of entire structure */
   DWORD   dwFlags;         /* flags for the line (ISDN_LINE_*) */
   DWORD   dwChannelFlags;  /* flags for the channels (ISDN_CHAN_*) */
   DWORD   dwSwitchType;    /* switches supported */
   DWORD   dwSpeedType;     /* speed type */
   DWORD   cChannelsMax;    /* number of B-channels per line supported */
   DWORD   cActiveChannels; /* number of active channels */

The field descriptions follow:

cbSize The size of the entire ISDNLINECAPS structure.
dwFlags Line capability options. This is a bit field, where the possible flags are:
ISDN_LINE_DEFAULT     Default settings
ISDN_LINE_INACTIVE    The line can be inactive
dwChannelFlags Channel capability options. This is a bit field, where the possible flags are:
ISDN_CHAN_DEFAULT     Default settings
ISDN_CHAN_INACTIVE    The channel can be inactive
ISDN_CHAN_SPEED_ADJUST    Connection speed can adjust downwards
dwSwitchType Refers to the switch types that this line supports. This is a bit field, where any or all of the following flags may be set.
ISDN_SWITCH_NI1     National ISDN 1
ISDN_SWITCH_NTI     Northern Telecom DMS 100
ISDN_SWITCH_1TR6    Deutsche Telecom
ISDN_SWITCH_VN3     French Telecom
ISDN_SWITCH_NET3    European Switch
ISDN_SWITCH_AUS     Australian Switch
ISDN_SWITCH_BEL     Belgium Switch
dwSpeedType Refers to the speed and data types that the channels on this line support. This is a bit field, where any or all of the following flags may be set.
ISDN_SPEED_56K_VOICE    56kbps voice
ISDN_SPEED_56K_DATA     56kbps data
ISDN_SPEED_64K_DATA     64kbps data 
ISDN_SPEED_128K_DATA    128kbps data 
cChannelsMax Refers to the number of B-channels the physical line has. This field must match the number of ChannelY keys that are in the line registry key of the driver.
cActiveChannels Refers to the number of B-channels that are active on the line. This value is derived from the number of ChannelY keys that have the ISDN_CHAN_INACTIVE bit set in their Properties value. This value is determined at run time and should be set to zero in an INF.