7.6.5 General Font Information

The fGeneral button displays the fGeneral dialog box. This dialog box
contains seven boxes which specify printer limitations and features related
to downloaded fonts. The following illustration shows the fGeneral dialog:

bitmap:  fidninfg

The following provides a brief description of each control.

Control             Description

DLI_GEN_CNT         Specifies that the number of downloaded fonts is
                    limited by a fixed integer value.

DLI_GEN_MEMORY      Specifies that the number of downloaded fonts is
                    limited by available memory.

DLI_GEN_DIJOB       Specifies that the printer downloads fonts on a per-job

DLI_GEN_DLPAGE      Specifies that the printer downloads fonts on a
                    per-page basis.

DLI_GEN_PT_IDS      Specifies that the printer requires a font ID value in
                    order to make the font temporary or permanent.

DLI_GEN_FNTDEL      Specifies that the printer supports a command that
                    deletes single downloaded fonts.

DLI_GEN_ALLFNTDEL   Specifies that the printer supports a command that
                    deletes all downloaded fonts.

HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the DLI_GEN_MEMORY box is checked because
the number of downloaded fonts is limited by printer memory; the
DLI_GEN_PT_IDS box is checked because the printer requires a font ID value;
the DLI_GEN_FNTDEL box is checked because the printer supports a command
which deletes single downloaded fonts; and the DLI_GEN_ALLFNTDEL box is
checked because the printer supports a command which deletes all downloaded