6.3.3 General Color Data
Choosing the fGeneral button displays the fGeneral dialog box. This dialog
box contains three boxes which specify general color capabilities for a
printer. The following illustration shows the fGeneral dialog box:
bitmap: gigen
The following list provides a brief description each control.
Control Description
DC_PRIMARY_RGB If this bit is set, sPlanes must equal 3 with the
Universal Printer Driver. The Universal Printer Driver
will first send data for the red plane, followed by the
blue and green planes. The printer will then convert this
data into an index into its own color palette to obtain
the 8 basic colors. If this bit is not set, the Universal
Printer Driver sends black data first (only if the
DC_EXTRACT_BLACK bit is set, followed by data for the
cyan, magenta and yellow planes.)
DC_EXTRACT_BLK If this bit is set, sPlanes must equal 4. This control
specifies that the printer renders black using a separate
ink or ribbon. (If this control is not set, the Universal
Printer Driver assumes that the printer renders black by
mixing the other colors.)
DC_SEND_CR Specifies that the Universal Printer Driver must send a
carriage return to clear the output buffer prior to
processing the next plane of color-raster data.
HP PaintJet
For the HP PaintJet printer, the DC_PRIMARY_RGB box is checked since the
printer uses the RGB color model.