
WORD EnumDFonts(
  LPPDEVICE lpDestDev, 
  LPSZ lpFaceName, 
  FARPROC lpCallbackFunc, 
  LPVOID lpClientData

Returns information about device fonts by passing the information to the specified callback function.

Address of a PDEVICE or PBITMAP structure.
Address of the null-terminated string that specifies the name of a font. If this parameter points to a name, EnumDFonts calls the callback function with information for the fonts having the same font name. If there are no fonts of that name, the function returns 1.

If lpFaceName is NULL, EnumDFonts randomly selects one font of each name and calls the callback function with information for these fonts. If there are no fonts, the function returns 1.

Address of a user-supplied callback function.
Address of a buffer that contains user-supplied data. EnumDFonts does not use this data; instead, it passes the data back to the application through the callback function.

The export ordinal for this function is 6.

GDI calls this function when processing the EnumDFonts function to determine what device fonts are available.

Every graphics driver must export an EnumDFonts function.

EnumDFonts calls the callback function once for each font. It continues to call the callback function until there are no more fonts, or the callback function returns zero.

If the device can generate scaled, bold, or italic fonts, EnumDFonts should pass only the information about the base font to the callback function. EnumDFonts should then leave it to the application to inquire about the device's text transformation capabilities.

See Also

PDEVICE, PBITMAP, EnumDFontsCallback