
void SetPalTrans(
  LPWORD lpIndexes

Copies the translation table pointed to by the lpIndexes parameter and creates a corresponding inverse translation table. The driver uses the translation tables for logical-to-physical, color-index mapping.

Address of the array that contains color indices. The number of indices in the array is specified by the dpNumPalReg member in the device's GDIINFO structure.

The export ordinal for this function is 24.

A graphics driver must export the GetPalette function if the RC_PALETTE value is set in the dpRaster member of the driver's GDIINFO structure.

If lpIndexes is not NULL, SetPalTrans copies the translation table into its own translation table and constructs an inverse of the table. The driver uses the inverse table whenever GDI requests block transfers from the screen to a memory bitmap. If lpIndexes is NULL, the function constructs the identity table.