typedef struct {
short lfHeight;
short lfWidth;
short lfEscapement;
short lfOrientation;
short lfWeight;
BYTE lfItalic;
BYTE lfUnderline;
BYTE lfStrikeOut;
BYTE lfCharSet;
BYTE lfOutPrecision;
BYTE lfClipPrecision;
BYTE lfQuality;
BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;
Contains the logical attributes for a font.
FW_THIN (100)
FW_LIGHT (300)
FW_BOLD (700)
FW_HEAVY (900)
ANSI_CHARSET (0) | ANSI character set. |
DEFAULT_CHARSET (1) | Default character set. |
SYMBOL_CHARSET (2) | Symbol character set. |
OEM_CHARSET (255) | OEM-specific character set. The characters and corresponding character codes depend on the computer. |
Character set values that support international versions of the operating system are also permitted. The following are defined:
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) | Chooses a reasonable font. |
OUT_STRING_PRECIS (0x01) | Chooses the font with a size (height and width) most closely matches the requested size. The driver may disregard the requested orientation and escapement, but other attributes must match. |
OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x02) | Chooses the font with a size (height and width) most closely matches the requested size. The driver may disregard the requested orientation, but other attributes must match. |
OUT_STROKE_PRECIS (0x03) | Chooses a font with attributes exactly match the requested attributes. |
OUT_TT_PRECIS (0x04) | Choose a True Type font when more than one type of font with a given name exits in the system. |
OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS (0x05) | Choose a device font when more than one type of font with a given name exits in the system. |
OUT_RASTER_PRECIS (0x06) | Choose a raster font when more than one type of font with a given name exits in the system. |
OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS (0x07) | Always choose a True Type font even when the given name matches a raster or vector font. |
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) | Chooses a reasonable font. |
CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x01) | Chooses a font that allows clipping of individual characters. The driver must be able to clip a character if any portion of it lies outside the clipping rectangle. |
CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS (0x02) | Chooses a font that allows clipping of portions of a character. The driver must be able to clip any portion of a character that lies outside the clipping rectangle. |
CLIP_MASK (0x0F) | |
CLIP_LH_ANGLES (0x10) | If the CLIP_LH_ANGLES bit is set, rotation for all fonts depends on whether the orientation of the coordinate system is left-handed or right-handed. If CLIP_LH_ANGLES is not set, device fonts always rotate counterclockwise, but the rotation of other fonts is dependent on the orientation of the coordinate system. |
CLIP_TT_ALWAYS (0x20) | |
CLIP_EMBEDDED (0x80) | To use an embedded read-only font, applications must specify CLIP_EMBEDDED. |
DEFAULT_QUALITY (0x00) | Chooses a reasonable font. |
DRAFT_QUALITY (0x01) | Chooses a font that generates the most efficient, speediest output. The driver can sacrifice appearance if a speedier font has lower quality. GDI synthesizes bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough characters if needed. |
PROOF_QUALITY (0x02) | Chooses a font that generates the highest-quality output. The driver should sacrifice speedy output if a slower font has higher quality. The driver should sacrifice output precision if a font that does not exactly match the requested attributes (such as size) is a higher quality. GDI synthesizes bold, italic, underline, and strikeout characters if needed. |
DEFAULT_PITCH (0x00) | Chooses a reasonable font. |
FIXED_PITCH (0x01) | Chooses a fixed-pitch font. |
VARIABLE_PITCH (0x02) | Chooses a variable-pitch font. |
Font family, which describes in a general way the look of a font. Can be one of these values:
FF_DONTCARE (0x00) | Chooses a reasonable font. |
FF_ROMAN (0x10) | Chooses a variable-pitch font with serifs. |
FF_SWISS (0x20) | Chooses a variable-pitch fonts without serifs. |
FF_MODERN (0x30) | Chooses a fixed-pitch font. |
FF_SCRIPT (0x40) | Chooses a cursive or script font. |
FF_DECORATIVE (0x50) | Chooses a novelty font. |