OEM-Provided Support for Other IR Devices Built as a Dynamically-Loaded VxD

A VxD must be provided to support IR devices other than the devices previously listed. Sample source code for an OEM-provided VxD that supports the ACTiSYS ACT200L Infrared Wireless Interface is in the DDK, in the file OEMDONGL.C. OEMs and IHVs can adapt this code to their device. Also, a wrapper that IHVs and OEMs can link to their OEMDONGL.C module is provided that will make the OEM-provided part of the IrFramer an independent dynamic-load VxD. This will allow the driver for the IR adapter to be dynamically loaded and unloaded.

The IR Communications core architecture, and the place of the optional OEM-provided part of the serial IrFramer component in it, are shown in the following illustration.