mov eax, GroupID ; property group identifier
mov esi, OFFSET32 Callback ; address of callback procedure
VxDcall SHELL_Unhook_Properties
jc error
Removes the callback procedure from association with the given property group. Uses EAX, ECX, EDX, and Flags.
- Clears the carry flag if successful. Otherwise, sets the carry flag to indicate an error such as an invalid property identifier.
- GroupID
- Property group identifier. Can be NULL, a valid group ordinal such as GROUP_TASK (as defined in PIF.H), or the address of a null-terminated string specifying the name of a custom PIF group. If GroupID is NULL, the service checks all property groups and removes the callback procedure from each group it is associated with.
- Callback
- Address of the callback procedure. For more information about the procedure, see SHELL_Hook_Properties.