shex_dwTotalSize  DD  ?
shex_dwSize       DD  ?
shex_ibOp         DD  ?
shex_ibFile       DD  ?
shex_ibParams     DD  ?
shex_ibDir        DD  ?
shex_ibEnv        DD  ?
shex_nCmdShow     DD  ?
rgchBaggage       DB  ? dup (?) ; variable-sized field
Size in bytes of the SHEXPACKET structure plus the size of optional information in the rgchBaggage member.
Must be equal to the size of the SHEXPACKET structure, not including the rgchBaggage.
Operation to perform. Specify 0 to open the file. Any other value is a relative offset from the pointer to this structure to a null-terminated string naming the operation to perform.
File to open or print. This is a relative offset from the pointer to this structure to a null-terminated string naming the file.
Optional parameters passed to the application when the shex_ibFile member specifies an executable file. The parameters are a relative offset from the pointer to this structure to a null-terminated string. Specify zero if there are no optional parameters or if shex_ibFile specifies a document file.
Working directory. If zero, the Windows directory will be used as the working directory. Otherwise, it is a relative offset from the pointer to this structure to a null-terminated string.
Environment block to pass to the program. If zero, the master environment will be given to the program. Otherwise, it is a relative offset from the pointer to this structure to an environment block. This field is ignored for MS-DOS-based applications, which will always receive a copy of the master environment.
How the application window is to be shown. Refer to the documentation for the Windows function ShowWindow for valid values.
Optional variable-length information. The rgchBaggage member contains the optional null-terminated strings for the shex_ibOp, shex_ibFile, shex_ibParams, shex_ibDir, and shex_ibEnv members. Those members contain relative offsets to the appropriate string in the shex_rgchBaggage member.