

mov     esi, Entries        ; points to page-table entries for physical HMA alias
VMMCall Set_Physical_HMA_Alias

Defines an HMA alias for pages 100h through 10Fh. This service is for the exclusive use of the XMS driver, a part of the virtual V86MMGR device, and is only available during initialization. Uses EAX, ECX, EDI, ESI, Flags.

Address of an array of 16 page-table entries, which define the physical HMA alias.

This service does not map new pages into the HMA. Instead, the virtual device must call the _MMGR_Toggle_HMA service with the MMGRHMAPhysical value after the calling this service. This service specifies which pages are mapped when the MMGRHMAPhysical value is specified in a call to the _MMGR_Toggle_HMA service.

See Also
