

InstDataStruc struc
InstLinkF     dd      ?   ; reserved; do not use
InstLinkB     dd      ?   ; reserved; do not use
InstLinAddr   dd      ?   ; linear address of start of block
InstSize      dd      ?   ; size of block in bytes
InstType      dd      ?   ; type of the block
InstDataStruc ends

The InstDataStruc structure contains information about an instance data block.

Reserved. This field is filled by the instance data manager, and must not be used.
Reserved. This field is filled by the instance data manager, and must not be used.
Specifies the linear address of the start of the block of instance data. Thus, the correct value for 40:2F would be 42F.
Specifies the size in bytes of the instance data block.
Specifies the instance data type. It can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
ALWAYS_FIELD Indicates that the field must always be switched when a virtual machine is switched. All instance data specified by devices should be of this type.
INDOS_FIELD Reserved for special types of MS-DOS internal data which only need to be switched with the virtual machine if the virtual machine is currently InDOS.
OPTIONAL_FIELD Indicates optional instance data.

See Also
