VMMCall VMMCreateThread, <initial_ss, initial_esp, initial_cs,
initial_eip, initial_ds, initial_es, ThreadType, InitCallback,
or eax, eax
jz thread_not_created
Creates a protected mode thread in the system virtual machine and starts it executing in ring 3 at the instruction specified by CS:EIP. Uses all registers and Flags.
This service is intended for use only by Windows internal system components. A virtual device should not use this service because it can cause the system to become unstable.
The client registers are initialized to the values specified by the procedure parameters. The values must be valid values for ring 3; do not use ring 0 selectors.
The Create_Thread and Thread_Init messages are sent to all virtual devices, and the timeslice scheduler is notified to start scheduling the thread.
Create_Thread, Thread_Init, VMMTerminateThread