

mov     eax, Flags
mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     ecx, Foreground
mov     edx, Background
VMMCall Set_Time_Slice_Priority

Sets the time-slice execution flags and the foreground and background priorities for the specified virtual machine. Uses EAX and Flags.

One of the following status flags:
VMStat_Exclusive Virtual machine is executing to the exclusion of all other threads
VMStat_Background Virtual machine is executing in the background
VMStat_High_Pri_Back Virtual machine is executing in the background, but with a boost in time-slice priority

Handle of the virtual machine to change.
Foreground time-slice priority. The high word must be 0.
Background time-slice priority. The high word must be 0.

To change the time-slice priority, a virtual machine should retrieve the current time-slice priority using the Get_Time_Slice_Priority service, modify the returned values, and use the modified values as input parameters to this service. The following example assigns a virtual machine to the background:

mov     ebx, [VMHandle]
VMMCall Get_Time_Slice_Priority
or      eax, VMStat_Background
VMMCall Set_Time_Slice_Priority

See Also

Get_Time_Slice_Priority, Set_Time_Slice_Granularity