

mov     VMHandle
VMMCall Get_Inst_V86_Int_Vec_Base
mov     [Address], ecx

Retrieves the address of a 400h-byte memory block that contains the current interrupt vectors for the given VM. This function can be used in place of the Get_Instanced_V86_Int_Vector service to examine multiple interrupt vectors. Uses ECX and Flags.

Handle of the virtual machine.

Be careful when using this service. Your code must reside in page locked memory and must not touch pageable memory, including instance pages, and must not yield while using the pointer returned by this service.

A VxD must not use this pointer to modify interrupt vectors because doing so can cause the system to become unstable. To be safe, use the Get_Instanced_V86_Int_Vector service instead of Get_Inst_V86_Int_Vec_Base.

See Also
