Debug_Out String
Debug_Out String, level
Writes the specified string to the debugging device, and halts in the debugger if a debugger is attached.
Additional macros exist, such as Debug_OutX, where X is a conditional jump type, i.e., something that can follow the letter j to form a conditional jump instruction. In such case, the debug-out is performed only if the condition is satisfied.
; The following message is printed only if Deblevel Deblevelmax
Debug_Out "Error! Mumble mumble", Deblevelmax
cmp nFrobs, 5
Debug_OutA "Error! More than 5 frobs!"
cmp [esi].dwSignature, 31415927h
Debug_OutNZ "Error! Invalid signature!"
The assembler generates code for the macro only if the constant DEBUG is defined before including the DEBUG.INC file.
Out_Debug_String, Test_Debug_Installed