
include vmm.inc

Dispatch_Byte_IO In_Proc, Out_Proc

Checks the size of the I/O request and dispatches the request to either the Simulate_IO service, or to the specified single-byte input or output procedure. I/O callback procedures use this macro to simplify processing of I/O requests.

Name of the procedure to carry out a single-byte input operation. If this parameter is the Fall_Through keyword, the macro ignores input operations.
Name of the procedure to carry out a single-byte output operation. If this parameter is the Fall_Through keyword, the macro ignores output operations.

The EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, and EBP registers must contain values specified as valid input parameters for the Simulate_IO service. Dispatch_Byte_IO checks the ECX register for the I/O type. If this type specifies an I/O request that is larger than a byte, the macro jumps to the Simulate_IO service.

See Also

Emulate_Non_Byte_IO, Simulate_IO