

mov     eax, Device_Reboot_Notify
VMMCall System_Control

Notifies the virtual device that the system is about to restart. Interrupts remain enabled while virtual devices process this message. The virtual device may modify all general registers and flags.

When the system is about to be rebooted abnormally, virtual devices will first receive the Device_Reboot_Notify message (and possibly also the Device_Reboot_Notify2 message), at which time interrupts are enabled and simulated interrupt activity is allowed (although not encouraged). Next, virtual devices receive the Crit_Reboot_Notify message (and possibly also the Crit_Reboot_Notify2 message) with interrupts disabled, during which time interrupts must not be enabled by the virtual device, and at which time simulated interrupt activity is not allowed. Finally, virtual devices receive the Reboot_Processor message, which all devices except the virtual keyboard device should ignore.

See Also

Crit_Reboot_Notify, Device_Reboot_Notify2, Reboot_Processor