
include vmm.inc

mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     eax, VM_Suspend
VMMCall System_Control

Notifies the virtual device that the system is suspending execution of the virtual machine. The virtual device should unlock any resources associated with the virtual machine. The virtual device may modify all general registers and flags.

Handle of the virtual machine to suspend.

The virtual machine remains suspended until explicitly resumed. The system sends the VM_Suspend message when the virtual machine's suspend count changes from zero to one, and not every time the Suspend_VM service is called. Similarly, it sends a VM_Resume message when the virtual machine's suspend count changes from one to zero, and not every time the Resume_VM service is called.

The CB_VM_Status field in the control block for the virtual machine specifies whether the virtual machine is suspended.

See Also

Resume_VM, Suspend_VM, VM_Resume, VM_Suspend2