include vdmad.inc

mov eax, Channel
mov ebx, DMA_Handle
VxDcall VDMAD_Get_EISA_Adr_Mode

Returns the EISA extended mode. Uses ECX, flags

0 8-bit I/O, with count in bytes
1 16-bit I/O, with count in words and address shifted
2 32-bit I/O, with count in bytes
3 16-bit I/O, with count in bytes

Number of channel, it must be in the range 0 to 7.
Handle of DMA.

The hardware does not allow for reading the extended mode for a channel, so VDMAD defaults to the ISA defaults (channels 0-3 are byte channels, and 5-7 are word channels with word addresses and counts). A SYSTEM.INI setting can specify an alternate setting.