VxDcall PageFile_Get_Size_Info
jc not_installed ; carry set if not installed
mov filesize, eax ; size of the paging file, in pages
mov abs_max_size, ebx ; absolute max. size of paging file, in pages
mov max_poss_size, ecx ; max. possible size of paging file, in pages
mov min_size, edx ; min. size of paging file, in pages
mov pager_type, bl ; pager type; see below
Retrieves information about the size of the paging file. Uses Flags.
EAX | Current size, in pages, of the paging file. |
EBX | Absolute maximum size of the paging file, in pages. The size determined by the value of the MaxPagingFile entry in SYSTEM.INI. If no value is specified, the size is set to 2 gigabytes. The size is zero if paging is off. |
ECX | Current maximum possible size of the paging file, in pages, given the current amount of free disk space. |
EDX | Minimum size of the paging file, in pages. The size determined by the value of the MinPagingFile entry in SYSTEM.INI. If no value is specified, the minimum size zero. |
ESI | Address of a null terminated string that contains the full path name of the swap file. Do not write to this pointer. If EBX is zero, ESI is undefined. |