
include vpicd.inc

mov     eax, IRQHandle
mov     ebx, VMHandle
VxDcall VPICD_Get_Complete_Status

mov     [Status], ecx

Retrieves the complete status for a virtual IRQ in a specified virtual machine. Uses ECX and Flags.

VPICD_STAT_IN_SERVICE The IRQ is virtually in service.
VPICD_STAT_IRET_PENDING A virtual iret instruction is pending.
VPICD_STAT_PHYS_IN_SERV The IRQ is physically in service.
VPICD_STAT_PHYS_MASK The IRQ is physically masked.
VPICD_STAT_PHYS_REQ The physical interrupt request has been set.
VPICD_STAT_VIRT_DEV_REQ The virtual interrupt request has been set by the calling virtual device.
VPICD_STAT_VIRT_MASK The virtual machine has masked the IRQ.
VPICD_STAT_VIRT_REQ The virtual interrupt request for the virtual machine has been set (by a virtual device, not necessarily the caller).

Handle of the IRQ for which to receive status.
Handle of the virtual machine.