
include vpicd.inc

VxDcall VPICD_Get_Version

mov     byte ptr [Major], ah
mov     byte ptr [Minor], al
mov     [Flags], ebx
mov     [MaxIRQ], ecx

Retrieves the VPICD major and minor version numbers. Uses EAX, EBX, ECX, and Flags.

AH Specifies the major version number for the virtual PIC device.
AL Specifies the minor version number for the virtual PIC device.
EBX Specifies the configuration flag for the PIC. The flag can be the following value:

1 System has a master/slave (PC/AT-type) configuration. If this value is not given, the system has a single PIC (PC/XT-type) configuration.

All other values are reserved.

Specifies the maximum IRQ supported. It is either 07h or 0Fh.