
include vpicd.inc

mov     edi, OFFSET32 vid
VxDcall VPICD_Virtualize_IRQ
jc      errorhandler
mov     [IRQHand], eax

Assigns a virtual interrupt request to the calling virtual device. This is not an asynchronous service. Uses EAX, Flags

Address of a VPICD_IRQ_Descriptor structure containing information about the virtual IRQ. The VID_IRQ_Number and VID_Hw_Int_Proc fields in the VPICD_IRQ_Descriptor structure must be set before calling this service.

The IRQ can be shared by up to 32 virtual devices if every virtual device specifies the VPICD_Opt_Can_Share value in the VID_Options field of the VPICD_IRQ_Descriptor structure.