
include v86mmgr.inc
mov     ebx, VMHandle
mov     esi, DesiredSize
mov     edi, MinimumSize
mov     ecx, Flags
VxDcall V86MMGR_Allocate_V86_Pages
jc      error_handler
mov     [NumPages], eax

Allocates and maps the base V86 memory for a virtual machine. Uses EAX, Flags.

Handle of the VM.
DesiredSize and MinimumSize
Desired size and minimum size of the VM address space, in kilobytes. These sizes include the address range from zero through the first VM page.
Memory attributes for the VM. Can be zero or this flag:
AV86PLocked (bit number AV86PLockedBit) Specifies that the VM memory is to be always locked, regardless of the pager type or whether the VM is suspended.

If an error occurs, this service calls the GetSetDetailedVMError service to set an error value.