
include v86mmgr.inc

mov     al, MinCopyBuffer
mov     ah, MaxCopyBuffer
mov     bl, MinPrivateMapping
mov     bh, MinSharedMapping
mov     cl, MaxGlobalMapping
VxDcall V86MMGR_Set_Mapping_Info

Notifies the V86MMGR mapper services of the amount of space a virtual device requires for calls to the mapper service calls. Uses Flags.

MinCopyBuffer and MaxCopyBuffer
Minimum required size and the maximum desired size, in pages, of the translation copy buffer. The default size is one page.
Minimum number of pages required for private global mapping region.
Minimum number of pages required for shared global mapping region.
Maximum number of pages desired for the global page mapping region. The default is zero pages.

Virtual devices with an initialization order less than V86MMGR_Init_Order must call this service while processing the Sys_Critical_Init or Device_Init control message. Other virtual devices must call this service during Sys_Critical_Init. V86MMGR uses these settings when it processes the Device_Init message.