Multimedia Device Information (INF) Files

IHVs who develop a multimedia hardware device for Windows 95 must provide a device information file (.INF) file on the device driver installation diskette for the device. There are two DDK sample INF files for multimedia hardware devices that you can use as models for your INF file. They are located in the directory \DDK\MMEDIA\SAMPLES\INF. The sample INF files are:

These sample INF files are both relatively straightforward. The DDK chapter "Device Information Files" in the Plug and Play section of the Windows 95 DDK documentation gives you enough information to interpret the sample INF files and make any necessary changes to fit your device. The following topics give information specific to multimedia hardware device INF files that is not found in the "Device Information Files" chapter. Information about INF files for multimedia software components will be provided in a future release of the Windows 95 DDK documentation.