Multimedia Device Class Registration

Every INF file should contain a device-class registration section, because a particular Windows 95 user may have never previously installed a device of that class on their Windows 95 machine. (For more information, see the topic "ClassInstall Section" in the "Device Information Files" chapter.)

For example, in the sample MIDI.INF file, the ClassInstall section and sections associated with it contain the following lines:


. . .
MediaClassName="Media Devices"

The sample WAVE.INF file contains a ClassInstall section and associated sections with lines that are shown below:


. . .
MediaClassName="Media Devices"

These INF file sections from both the MIDI.INF and WAVE.INF sample INF files register a descriptive string for a MEDIA class device: "Media Devices." All multimedia hardware device INF files must register this same descriptive string, "Media Devices," in this way. This descriptive string is displayed by Windows 95 in the user interface to describe the group of all MEDIA class devices.

Note that the descriptive string itself ("Media Devices") is in the [Strings] section of the INF file along with other displayable strings. Putting all displayable strings in one section of an INF file makes it easier for translators to locate the words and phrases they have to translate for world markets.