Module-Description Line

The module-description line in the module-definition file should specify the type of device the driver supports. The content of this line varies for each type of driver.

The Multimedia option in the Control Panel uses the name in the module-description line to identify different types of drivers and to create the entry in the [drivers] section of SYSTEM.INI when installing a driver.

Module-Description Line for Video-Capture Drivers

To indicate that a driver is a video-capture driver, use MSVIDEO followed by a colon (:) in the module-description line.

The Bravado driver is an example of a video-capture driver. The module-description line from the Bravado driver is the following:

DESCRIPTION 'MSVIDEO: Truevision Bravado Driver'

Module-Description Line for Video-Compression Drivers

To specify a video-compression driver, include the keyname of VIDC, a period (.), and the four-character code for your driver in the DESCRIPTION entry. Use a colon (:) to separate this entry from the text description.

The ICSAMPLE.DRV driver is an example of a video-compression driver. The module-description line from this driver is the following:

DESCRIPTION 'VIDC.SAMP:Sample Decompression Driver'

If you are using a custom-installation application instead of assuming installation through the Multimedia option in Control Panel, you do not need to include this description information.

Module-Description Line for Audio Compression Drivers

It is not necessary to include a keyword to specify an ACM driver. Instead, use a text string that fully describes the driver. For example, the following is the module-description line for the IMA ADPCM driver:

DESCRIPTION 'Microsoft Audio Compression Manager IMA ADPCM CODEC'