Handling Errors

For a description of the error return values from DriverProc, see the discussion of installable drivers in the documentation for the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit. The following table lists the general error return values from auxMessage, mxdMessage, wodMessage, widMessage, midMessage, and midMessage.

In addition to the general error return values, there are error return values unique to each type of audio device. The following list identifies these device-specific error return values.

Category Error Meaning
General MMSYSERR_NOERROR No error.
  MMSYSERR_ERROR Unspecified error.
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED Driver is not enabled.
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED Requested device is already allocated.
MMSYSERR_NOMEM Memory allocation error.
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED Driver does not support specified operation.
Device-specific MIDIERR_UNPREPARED MIDI data block has not been prepared
  MIDIERR_NOTREADY MIDI output hardware is busy.
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING Driver is still playing MIDI data.
WAVERR_BADFORMAT Unsupported waveform data format.
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING Driver is still playing waveform data.
WAVERR_UNPREPARED Specified waveform data block has not been prepared.