DWORD auxMessage(uDevice, uMsg, dwUser, dwParam1, dwParam2)
This function is the entry point for an auxiliary audio device driver.
- Unless specified otherwise under a specific message, the driver should return an MMSYSERR_ or AUXERR_ error code.
- UINT uDevice
- Specifies the ID of the target device. Device IDs are sequential, starting at zero and ending at a value equal to one less than the number of devices the driver supports.
- UINT uMsg
- Specifies the message being sent to the driver.
- DWORD dwUser
- Not used.
- DWORD dwParam1
- Specifies a message-dependent parameter.
- DWORD dwParam2
- Specifies a message-dependent parameter.
The driver should return MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED if it does not support the specified message.