Sent to MIDI input device drivers to stop recording and return all buffers in the input queue to the client.

MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED The driver failed to load or initialize.

DWORD dwParam1
DWORD dwParam2

The driver should stop recording and set the MHDR_DONE bit and clear the MHDR_INQUEUE bit in the dwFlags field of the MIDIHDR structure for each buffer in the input queue. It should also be sure the dwBytesRecorded field contains the number of bytes recorded for each buffer. The driver should then notify the client by using DriverCallback to send a MIM_LONGDATA message for each buffer.

If a buffer in the input queue contains system-exclusive data but the buffer is incomplete, the driver should follow the same procedure outlined in the preceding paragraph (including setting the dwBytesRecorded field), but should return the buffer to the client using the MIM_LONGERROR message, not MIM_LONGDATA.

See Also