Signals the device to begin transmitting output data. Support of this message by a device is optional. The parameters and flags for this message vary according to the selected device.

DWORD lParam1
The following flags apply to all devices supporting MCI_PLAY:
MCI_NOTIFY Specifies that MCI should post the MM_MCINOTIFY message when this command completes. The window to receive this message is specified in the dwCallback member of the structure identified by lpPlay.
MCI_WAIT Specifies that the play operation should finish before MCI returns control to the application.
MCI_FROM Specifies that a starting position is included in the dwFrom member of the structure identified by lpPlay. The units assigned to the position values is specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of the MCI_SET command. If MCI_FROM is not specified, the starting position defaults to the current location.
MCI_TO Specifies that an ending position is included in the dwTo member of the structure identified by lpPlay. The units assigned to the position values is specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of the MCI_SET command. If MCI_TO is not specified, the end position defaults to the end of the media.

Specifies a far pointer to an MCI_PLAY_PARMS structure. (Devices with extended command sets might replace this structure with a device-specific structure.)

Animation Extensions

The following additional flags for lParam1apply to animation devices:

MCI_ANIM_PLAY_FAST Specifies to play fast.
MCI_ANIM_PLAY_REVERSE Specifies to play in reverse.
MCI_ANIM_PLAY_SCAN Specifies to scan quickly.
MCI_ANIM_PLAY_SLOW Specifies to play slowly.
MCI_ANIM_PLAY_SPEED Specifies that the play speed is included in the dwSpeed member in the structure identified by lParam2.

Note that lParam2 specifies a far pointer to an MCI_ANIM_PLAY_PARMS structure.

Videodisc Extensions

The following additional flags for lParam1apply to videodisc devices:

MCI_VD_PLAY_FAST Specifies to play fast.
MCI_VD_PLAY_REVERSE Specifies to play in reverse.
MCI_VD_PLAY_SCAN Specifies to scan quickly.
MCI_VD_PLAY_SLOW Specifies to play slowly.
MCI_VD_PLAY_SPEED Specifies that the play speed is included in the dwSpeed member in the structure identified by lParam2.

Nope that lParam2 specifies a far pointer to an MCI_VD_PLAY_PARMS structure.

See Also