Notifies a video capture driver to configure the format of the VIDEO_IN channel.
VIDEO_CONFIGURE_SET | Sets the current format. |
VIDEO_CONFIGURE_GET | Gets the current format. |
VIDEO_CONFIGURE_QUERY | Interrogates the driver to determine if it supports the message. |
VIDEO_CONFIGURE_QUERYSIZE | Interrogates the driver for the size, in bytes, of the format information referenced by lpdwReturn. This flag must be used with VIDEO_CONFIGURE_GET. |
lpdwReturn | Address of a DWORD. If the VIDEO_CONFIGURE_QUERYSIZE flag is used, the driver fills this field with the size (in bytes) of the BITMAPINFOHEADER data structure. |
lpData1 | Address of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. |
dwSize1 | Size, in bytes, of the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. |
lpData2, dwSize2 | Not used. |
Either the VIDEO_CONFIGURE_SET or the VIDEO_CONFIGURE_GET flag must be set to specify the direction of the transfer.
The DVM_FORMAT message globally defines the attributes of the frame buffer. This includes dimensions, color depth, and compression of images transferred with DVM_FRAME and buffers transferred during streaming capture. Changing the format may affect overall dimensions of the active frame buffer as well as bit depth and color space representation. Since changing between NTSC and PAL video standards can also affect image dimensions, applications should request the current format following display of the VIDEO_EXTERNALIN channel dialog box.