lParam1 = (LPARAM) pacmdd  // see below
lParam2 = reserved         // should be ignored

Sent to an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver to request details about the driver. This message is typically sent to an ACM driver in response to an acmDriverDetails call.

MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED The driver failed to load or initialize.

Address of the ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure that should be filled in with various details describing the driver. The cbStruct member of the ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure will contain the desired size, in bytes, of the details that the driver should return.

An ACM driver must support this message. Note that this message should never fail unless the driver could not initialize. There are two possible error conditions:

  1. If lParam1 is not a valid pointer to a ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure.
  2. If the cbStruct member of the ACMDRIVERDETAILS structure is less than four; in this case, there is not enough room to return the number of bytes filled in.

Because these two error conditions are easily defined, the ACM will catch these errors and will not send the ACMDM_DRIVER_DETAILS message. The driver does not need to check for these conditions.

See Also