typedef struct {
    DWORD cbStruct;          
    DWORD fdwSuggest;        
    DWORD cbwfxSrc;          
    DWORD cbwfxDst;          

Contains information needed by an Audio Compression Manager (ACM) driver to respond to the ACMDM_FORMAT_SUGGEST message. The lParam1 parameter of the acmDriverProc function will contain a pointer to this structure during the ACMDM_FORMAT_SUGGEST message.


Size, in bytes, of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure. This member will be initialized by the ACM before calling the driver. This member can be greater than the size, in bytes, of the base ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure. An ACM driver should ignore any members that are not contained in the base ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure. This member should not be modified by the driver.
Flags for matching the desired destination format. This member should not be modified by the driver.
ACM_FORMATSUGGESTF_NCHANNELS Specifies that the nChannels member of the pwfxDst member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure is valid. The driver should only suggest formats that can be converted from the format given in the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure matching the destination nChannels member, or fail.
ACM_FORMATSUGGESTF_NSAMPLESPERSEC Specifies that the nSamplesPerSec member of the pwfxDst member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure is valid. The driver should only suggest formats that can be converted from the format given in the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure matching the destination nSamplesPerSec member, or fail.
ACM_FORMATSUGGESTF_WBITSPERSAMPLE Specifies that the wBitsPerSample member of the pwfxDst member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure is valid. The driver should only suggest formats that can be converted from the format given in the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure matching the destination wBitsPerSample member, or fail.
ACM_FORMATSUGGESTF_WFORMATTAG Specifies that the wFormatTag member of the pwfxDst member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure is valid. The driver should only suggest formats that can be converted from the format given in the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure matching the destination wFormatTag member, or fail.

Address of a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the source format to suggest a destination format to be used for a conversion. This member should not be modified by the driver.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure. This member should not be modified by the driver.
Address of a WAVEFORMATEX data structure to receive the suggested destination format for the source format pointed to by the pwfxSrc member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure. Note that, based on the fdwSuggest member, some members of the structure pointed to this member may be specified. The driver should use this buffer to return the suggested destination format.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by the pwfxDst member of the ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure that is available for the suggested format. This member should not be modified by the driver.

See Also