Reading Joystick Position Information

The following example examines the section of Poll where the driver calculates the coordinate values. In this section, Poll performs the following tasks:

The following code fragment continues where the previous fragment ended:

pushf                           ; Push the flags register
    cli                             ; No interrupts allowed!

    mov     wClear, 1               ; Set stabilization loop flag


    mov     dx,JOYPORT              ; Set joystick port address
    mov     si,offset _JoyCal       ; Point to first JOYCALIBRATE structure
    mov     bx,JOY1_XY_MASK         ; Place bit mask in bx
    cmp     id,0                    ; Are we polling joystick 1?
    jz      @f                      ;    If so, use first structure
    cmp     zOnly, 0                ; Are we polling the z axis?
    jnz     @f                      ;    If so, use first structure

                                    ; Polling the second joystick
    add     si,(size JOYCALIBRATE)  ; Use second JOYCALIBRATE structure
    mov     bx,JOY2_XY_MASK         ; and bit mask

    ; Note zOnly values:
    ;       0   if polling x and y
    ;      -1   if z axis is on the second joystick's x potentiometer
    ;       1   if z axis is on the second joystick's y potentiometer

    cmp     zOnly, 0                ; Are we polling the z axis?
    jz      poll_setxy              ;   No
    jl      @f                      ;   Yes, on y potentiometer
                                    ;   Yes, on x potentiometer
    mov     ax,[si].jcal_wZbase     ; Set x-pos. counter to z base value
    neg     ax                      ; Start off negative
    mov     _wXpos,ax
    mov     _wXpos_hi,dx            ; used to check for roll-over error

    mov     cx,[si].jcal_wZdelta    ; Establish z delta value
    mov     bx,JOY2_X_MASK          ; Put bit mask into dx
    jmp     poll_timers             ; Start the timers!
; Set up for z-axis poll, using joystick 2's y potentiometer

@@: mov     ax,[si].jcal_wZbase     ; Set y-pos. counter to z base value
    neg     ax
    mov     _wYpos,ax
    mov     _wYpos_Hi,dx            ; used to check for roll-over error
    mov     di,[si].jcal_wZdelta    ; Establish z delta value
    mov     bx,JOY2_Y_MASK          ; Put bit mask into bx
    jmp     poll_timers             ; Start the timers!

    ; Set up for x- and y-axis poll


    mov     ax,[si].jcal_wXbase     ; Set x-pos. counter to x base value
    neg     ax
    mov     _wXpos,ax
    mov     _wXpos_hi,dx            ; used to check for roll-over error

    mov     ax,[si].jcal_wYbase     ; Set y-pos. counter to y base value
    neg     ax                      ; Start off negative
    mov     _wYpos,ax
    mov     _wYpos_Hi,dx            ; used to check for roll-over error

    mov     cx,[si].jcal_wXdelta    ; Establish x and y deltas
    mov     di,[si].jcal_wYdelta
    .                               ; Sample continued in next section