typedef struct {
    DWORD dwFlags;
    HPALETTE hpal;
    HWND hwnd;
    HDC hdc;
    int xDst;
    int yDst;
    int dxDst;
    int dyDst;
    int xSrc;
    int ySrc;
    int dxSrc;
    int dySrc;
    DWORD dwRate;
    DWORD dwScale;

Contains decompression parameters used with the ICM_DRAW_BEGIN message.


Applicable flags. The following values are defined:
ICDRAW_QUERY Determines if the decompressor can handle the decompression. The driver does not actually decompress the data.
ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN Draws the decompressed data on the full screen.
ICDRAW_HDC Draws the decompressed data to a window or a DC.
ICDRAW_ANIMATE Indicates the application can animate the palette.
ICDRAW_CONTINUE Indicates the drawing is a continuation of the previous frame.
ICDRAW_MEMORYDC Indicates the DC is offscreen.
ICDRAW_UPDATING Indicates the current frame is being updated rather than played.
ICDRAW_RENDER Renders, but does not draw, the data.
ICDRAW_BUFFER Buffers this data offscreen; it will need to be updated.

Handle of the palette used for drawing.
Handle of the window used for drawing.
Handle of the DC used for drawing. Specify NULL to use a DC to the specified window.
xDst, yDst
X- and Y-coordinates of destination rectangle.
dxDst, dyDst
Width and height of destination rectangle.
Address of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure containing the input format.
xSrc, ySrc
X- and Y-coordinates of source rectangle.
dxSrc, dySrc
Width and height of source rectangle.
Decompression rate in an integer format. To obtain the rate in frames per second, divide this value by the value in dwScale.
Value used to scale dwRate to frames per second.