typedef struct {
    DWORD dwSize;
    DWORD fccType;
    DWORD fccHandler;
    DWORD dwFlags;
    DWORD dwVersion;
    DWORD dwVersionICM;
    char szName[16];
    char szDescription[128];
    char szDriver[128];

Contains compression parameters supplied by a video compression driver. The driver fills or updates the structure when it receives the ICM_GETINFO message.


Size, in bytes, of the ICINFO structure.
Four-character code indicating the type of stream being compressed or decompressed. Specify VIDC for video streams.
Four-character code identifying a specific compressor.
Applicable flags. Zero or more of the following flgas can be set:
VIDCF_QUALITY Indicates the driver supports quality values.
VIDCF_CRUNCH Indicates the driver supports compressing to a frame size.
VIDCF_TEMPORAL Indicates the driver supports inter-frame compression.
VIDCF_DRAW Indicates the driver supports drawing.
VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALC Indicates the driver can perform temporal compression and maintains its own copy of the current frame. When compressing a stream of frame data, the driver doesn't need image data from the previous frame.
VIDCF_FASTTEMPORALD Indicates the driver can perform temporal decompression and maintains its own copy of the current frame. When decompressing a stream of frame data, the driver doesn't need image data from the previous frame.
VIDCF_COMPRESSFRAMES Indicates the driver is requesting to compress all frames. For information about compressing all frames, see ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO.

You can use the high-ordered word of this member for driver-specific flags.

Version number of the driver.
Version of VCM supported by this driver. This member should be set to ICVERSION.
Short version of the compressor name. The name in the null-terminated string should be suitable for use in list boxes.
Long version of the compressor name.
Name of the module containing VCM compression driver. Normally, a driver does not need to fill this out.

See Also