Using the Windows 95 Modem Development Kit

This Windows® 95 Modem Development Kit (MDK) provides the tools, sample INF files, and information you need to build and test Windows 95 format INF files for AT (data) and AT+V (voice) command modems. Windows 95 INF files are required for modems to be used by programs which call the Windows Telephony API (TAPI) to make data/fax/voice calls, including the Windows 95 applets HyperTerminal, Dial-up Networking, Phone Dialer, The Microsoft Network as well as other Win32® communications applications written for Windows 95.

This MDK is a complete revision of the MDK shipped that was supplied with the Windows 95 DDK. In particular, the MODEM.DOT tool provided in that MDK is not part of this MDK. Use the InfEdit tool provided in this MDK to build your INF files instead of MODEM.DOT. You can also edit your INF files using an ASCII text editor.

The contents of the MDK are described in Contents of the MDK.

The MDK is supported by Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). You can purchase support by calling Microsoft PSS sales at 1-800-936-3500. If you subscribe to the Microsoft Development Network (MSDN), you are entitled to two free support calls. The phone number to call for these calls is supplied in the documentation that comes with the MSDN CD you purchased.