Obtaining and Using Serenum PNP Hardware IDs

A Serenum PNP ID can be obtained from a Plug and Play modem which comes in either of two forms: an external modem that plugs into a serial port or an internal modem on an ISA bus card. Note that if a modem comes only on an ISA card, you will obtain an ISAPNP ID from it, and not a Serenum PNP (see Obtaining and Using ISAPNP Hardware and Compatible IDs).

To determine the ID string to use in an INF file for this type of modem device:

  1. Physically install the modem and then start (or restart) the machine.
  2. Typically a dialogue will appear noting that an unknown PNP device has been installed. Attempt to install a Windows default modem device. This will cause the ID string to be put into the registry.
  3. Use the Registry Editor (Regedit) to locate the PNP ID. When you decide where you want to place the Unimodem ID string in your INF file, then you can copy the string from the Regedit display and paste it into your INF file.

To locate the ID once enumeration has run, use RegEdit to open the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\Serenum. Immediately below that point is the device ID. An example Serenum PNP Hardware ID is